Eleusine corocana, or finger millet, also known as kodo in Nepal and ragi in India, is an annual herbaceous plant widely grown as a cereal crop in the arid and semiarid areas in Africa and Asia. The common name finger millet indicates “finger-like” branching of the panicle. It was originated in East Africa (Ethiopian and Ugandan highlands). They are highly tolerant of drought and the grains can be stored for long time. Finger millet is fourth important food crop of Nepal in terms of cultivated area and total production. It can be cultivated at altitudes over 2000 meters above the sea level.
In the context of Nepal, out of the total millet areas, 78% of the area lies in the hill, 19% in the mountain, and only 3% in the terai. Hilly region gives about 95% of the total production so, it is an staple food in hilly region. Finger millets are majorly grown for food, beverages and fodder purpose in Nepal. Among the different species of Finger millet, two species (E. corocana, E. Africana) are commonly cultivated in world. While, in Nepal two types of E. corocana are commonly cultivated: Palm type (Punje kodo) and Fist type (Mudke kodo).

When talking about nutrititive value, finger millet contains about 76.3% carbohydrates, 9.2% protein, 1-2% ether extractives, 15-20% dietary fibres and 2.5-3.5% minerals. Of all the cereals and millets, finger millet has the highest amount of calcium(344mg%) and potassium (408mg%). The cereal has low fat content (1.3%) and contains mainly unsaturated fat. 100 grams of finger millet has roughly on an average of 336kcal of energy in them. Finger millet’s flour can be cooked into cakes, puddings or porridge, also, it is used to make bread, rotee and dhindo in Nepal.



  • Early weeding of the direct seeded crop is essential for getting good yields.
  • Generally, manual weeding is done with the help of hand hoe.
  • The 1st hoeing & weeding is done @ 2 to 3 weeks after sowing. When necessary 2nd weeding may be done 15-20 days after irrigation.
  • In assured rainfall and irrigated areas : Pre-emergence spray: Isoproturon @ 0.5 kg a.i./ha. (Rainfed areas), Oxyflurofen @ 0.1 lta.i /ha (Irrigated areas).
  • Post-emergent spray; 2, 4 -D sodium salt @ 0.75 kg a.i./ha Spraying around 20- 25 days after sowing effectively control weeds.
  • Broad leaf weed can be controlled by use of 2,4-D amine salt @ 1kg per hectare within 30 DAS.


  • Generally, finger millet is cultivated under rainfed condition.
  • However, if the monsoon is irregular, irrigation should be done at tillering and flowering stages, as these stages are critical to water requirement.
  • Excess irrigation should be avoided.
  • Finger millet is sensitive to water logging conditions, so proper drainage structures like ridges and furrows should be made during land preparation or intercultural operations.



1.Army and cutworm: Appear in early stage of crop. Caterpillar cut base of plant in early stage of crop. They are active during night and hide under stone during day time.

Control: Release Trichogramma parasitoid weekly once for 3 weeks continuously. When the symptoms are noticed take dusting of Malathion 5% @10kg/acre.

2.Aphids: They are observed on the central leaf whorl and ears. In case of aphid infestation, yellowing of leaf is observed. Nymphs of aphid are round in shape and reddish brown in color. Adults are yellow with green legs.

Control: If infestation is observed to control take spray of Methyl demeton @80ml/acre or Dimethoate 30EC @200 ml/acre moixed in 100 ltr of water.

3.White Stem borer: Larva are found in lower stem region and cause damage. They feed on roots and in severe infestations, centre shoots dry up and become yellowish. Larva is milky white in color with yellowish head while adult are dark brownish, white color on forewings.

Control: If infestation is observed, take spray of Carabaryl 50WP@1 kg/acre or Dimethoate 30 EC@200ml in 100 Ltr of water.

4.Ear head bug: They feeds on emerging panicle and produces chaffy grains with silky webs. Eggs are of shiny white color and found in cluster with orange hairs. Caterpillars are of brown colors with yellow band and minute hairs. Adults are of brownish color having fibrous forewings and yellowish hind wings.

Control: To attract adult moth place light traps during day time. Place Pheromone trap @5 /acre at flowering stage until panicle stage. In case of severe infestation spray Malathion 400ml or Carbaryl 600gm in 100 ltr water per acre.

5.Grass hopper: Nymphs and adults feeds on leaves. Nymphs are of whitish color with lines while adults are greenish brown in colour with lines on body.

Control: After harvesting remove all plant remains and follow proper sanitation, cleanliness in the field. Do ploughing after harvesting also in summer so that egg present in soil get exposed to sun and thus get destroyed. At dry and moist conditions apply Entomophthora grylli for grasshopper control. If infestation is observed spray with carbaryl 50 WP@600 gm/acre.

6.Leaf folder: Leaf folds longitudinally and larva remain inside. They scrap on leaves and thus white patches are observed on leaves. Female lays 200eggs on both side of leaf. Eggs are of yellowish white in color.

Control: Rotate crop with non-cereals crops. Keep field and area around field clean. Avoid closer spacing while sowing. Collect and destroyed infected leaf and plant parts away from fields.


1.Blast: In severe infestation plant gives a blasted or burnt appearance, also lodging of crop is seen. It mostly occurred in Kharif season, at all growth stage. If blast appeared in nursery stage or at ear development stage then severe reduction in yield is observed.

Control: Grow blast resistant varieties. Do seed treatment with fungicide like carbendazim @2 gm/kg before sowing. If symptoms are observed then immediately take spray of any of one fungicides, Carbendazim @500 gm per acre.

2.Mosaic: Initially small chlorotic specks are observed around 45 DAS in funnel leaves. Whole plant show yellow appearance in severe infestation. Infected plants produce more of nodal branches and unproductive tillers.

Control: If symptoms are observed then uproot and removed the infected plant and destroyed away from field. Take spray of Methyl demeton @ 25EC 200 ml/acre. If required take second spray with intervals of 20 days.

Other diseases: Smut, Downy mildew or green ear, Foot rot, etc.


  • For relay cropping in maize, it is not necessary to supply manure and fertilizers separately.
  • Under INMS, apply 5 tons of manure and fertilizers @50:30:20 kg NPK per hectare.
  • Apply full doze of P and K and half dose of N as basal application.


  • Finger millet is crucial for the diets of pregnant and lactating mothers, and children as well for the economy of marginal farmers. It is also called “poor man’s diet” so it is easily affordable to every types of people.
  • Finger millets field storage of straw is important as its straw is excellent as animal fodder with up to a total of 60% digestible nutrients .
  • Finger millet’s grain is rich in protein, dietary fiber and minerals especially calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus as compared to other cereals and play an important role in food and nutrition security in areas where they are grown. So, they are in high demand in the market.
  • Finger millet has beneficial health benefit as it controls diabetes, reverts skin aging, helps in weight loss, battles Anemia, relaxes the body, bone health, anti-cancer potential, helps Digestion, increases lactation, reduces cholesterol. So, many people prefer finger millet which directly increases its economic value.
  • In Nepal, 70 to 80% of total production is used for beverage like Jand, Raksi and Chhang which is consumed majorly by locals of hilly region and its market is high in the area.
  • Finger millet serves as cash crop which provide income generating opportunities to many farmers.
  • Its demand is increasing rapidly in present context, if farmers would be able to produce as per the demand of the nation, then total GDP of the nation will increase rapidly.


From the discussion, we get to know that, with proper management practices we can get higher yield of finger millet. As well as, we also found, how finger millet helped in maintaining person’s health. We discussed about the economic importance of finger millet and its increasing demand in Nepal. The sad fact is that, the production of this crop cannot fulfill the national demand so it is being imported from neighboring countries. Therefore, we should work on increasing the yield and farmers should be encouraged for doing effective farming. Government should also show proper concern in this matter.

Writer: Kusum Ghimire (Student, Bsc. Ag IAAS Paklihawa Campus)

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Padam Khanal
Padam Khanal
3 years ago

Very nice explain

Padam Khanal
Padam Khanal
3 years ago

Very nice explain

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